Self-Organizing CNS
The Art of Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (SOA) in Sports 🔑
The Anterior & Posterior Serape
Moment Arms & the Achilles Complex in Sprinting
Closed Vs. Open Skills & Athletic Development
Pennation Angle, Physiological Cross Sectional Area (PCSA), & Sprinting
The Pygmalion Effect
Thoughts about relationship between acceleration and deceleration in sport
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
Why was Wayne Gretzky the greatest hockey scorer of all time?
Catching a football is an Impulse Momentum Relationship
Attentional Focus
Michael Jordan's Cerebellum
Technical Model of Max Velocity Sprinting
Rapid Muscle Activation & Relaxation in Olympic Weightlifting & Sprinting
Concepts of Tendon Health Relating to Sport
Motor Cortex & Catching a Football
Heart Rate Variability & Stress
Optimal Focus of Attention
Augmented Feedback to Improve Performance