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Writer's pictureThayne Bukowski

Memory Structure

It’s important to understand memory structure because without memory, there is no learning 🔐

Memory Systems can be broken down into Short-term and Long-term memory with each having different branches

A short description of each system will be given below ⬇️⬇️

Short-Term Memory (STM)

Retaining a limited amount of information for a limited period of time

STM can be broken down further into Sensory & Working Memory

Sensory memory

-Very brief (under 500ms)

-Each of the 5 senses process sensory memories just long enough to be stored in STM

-Examples include: Iconic (vision), Echoic (auditory)

Working memory

-20-30s before losing part of info

-Capacity of ~7 items

-“chunking” info can ⬆️#

Long-term Memory (LTM)

Serves as a more permanent storage area of information

-Duration is relatively permanent

-Capacity in relatively unlimited

Further broken down into declarative and procedural memory

Declarative memory is basically the recollection of every day experiences and events

It contains semantic & episodic memory


-Factual & general knowledge about the world


-Unique personal events & experiences

Procedural memory is remembering how to do specific activities

This is most relevant for long term storage of motor skills

In sports, we consistently practice skills related to our sport in order for them to be stored in long-term procedural memory so we can use them in games

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