Albert Einstein once said “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
Sometimes let your athletes think outside the box when it comes to solving problems in sport
In sport and movement in general there is always going to be a fundamental way that is taught to make a play or move
Fundamentals should always remain the priority
However movement is complex, and athletes need to explore that movement and what they can accomplish
Especially when they are kids, let young athletes have fun and make plays that look wild, that’s how they are going to learn
For example, in baseball if the ball is in the hole between short and 3rd let the shortstop make a Derek Jeter jump throw
Performing this new movement is going to build upon neural networks in the brain and with continued practice, the athlete can strengthen those networks and maybe even make that throw one day
How do you think Derek Jeter did it? Repetitions
This isn’t fundamental so it would be frowned upon by most coaches, but every once in awhile you have to let your athletes explore what they’re capable of in sport and movement in general
Add movement variability to the strength and conditioning program to improve literacy